To the Land of Enchantment

Big Cloud Roll, oil on panel, ©2013-14. Heading to the land of enchantment, New Mexico…land of the ancients, the soul alive in the Earth, the path to the mountain, the pinion and the sage. Sharing from this trip and ones past in the days to come.

for my sister[s]

Sarah Figlio, ©2012, 2014. From Be the Beach Be The Beach Where the water meets the sky is the constant flux the perpetual possibility the made and the remade the molded and the malleable. Immense this potential non-lymphate— unequaled. Resolve embedded in a body constituted of liquid— changeable from ice to ether. Today tranquility moves without effort— seductive as a… Continue reading for my sister[s]

What A Poem Can Be

Magic Solo Cup, ©2014. Photo. A Moment Without Lament I am happy today to have learned that a poem can be a moment that it need not be a lament even if I am lamenting for that would only make a lamentable moment for you my reader. Sarah Figlio, ©2014.