Tapela, ©2014. Digital collage. Ancient Bones, ©2014.
Category: travel
Sunrise Pedernal
It Is Before Me, ©2014. Digital Image.
Easter, Chimayo
Easter in Abiqui, ©2014. Gouache on cardboard.
To the Land of Enchantment
Big Cloud Roll, oil on panel, ©2013-14. Heading to the land of enchantment, New Mexico…land of the ancients, the soul alive in the Earth, the path to the mountain, the pinion and the sage. Sharing from this trip and ones past in the days to come.
for my sister[s]
Sarah Figlio, ©2012, 2014. From Be the Beach Be The Beach Where the water meets the sky is the constant flux the perpetual possibility the made and the remade the molded and the malleable. Immense this potential non-lymphate— unequaled. Resolve embedded in a body constituted of liquid— changeable from ice to ether. Today tranquility moves without effort— seductive as a… Continue reading for my sister[s]
Open Lines Where Memory Can Step
Open Lines Where Memory Can Step, ©2014. Photo.
Living Under a Flight Path
Living Under a Flight Path, ©2013. Photo of ink on metal.
Chasing Claude from Chiberia
Chasing Claude, ©2013, circa 2001. Oil on canvas. Giverny In Monet’s garden across a lake a Japanese bridge is draped with white wisteria like angel’s laughter waterlilies bloom in clusters reflections everywhere and above the sky pours down the light the lilies floating like the eyes of fallen stars with their sad green irises half… Continue reading Chasing Claude from Chiberia
Sunflower Sunset
Sunflowers Sunset, ©2013. ink on paper.
My Old Home, My New Home
It is a big day. We sign papers, settle accounts, are given keys, leave with a new home. When I was entering fourth grade we moved, not far—just around the corner. Soon our children will enter fourth grade and they too will move, not far—just around the corner. Will they look back one day with… Continue reading My Old Home, My New Home